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See your skin transformed with our unique skincare treatments

We have a healthy obsession with transforming your skin.


Our custom facials focus on tackling your unique skin concerns—anything from fine lines and hyper-pigmentation to dehydration and breakouts.  Using a combination of our clinical skin care products and some of our own personal beauty secrets, all facials come complete with personalized advice on your homecare routine.


Skin Deep Facial


Each facial is uniquely customized to your personal needs and includes a combination of some or all of the following steps - a one-on-one consultation, skin analysis, deep cleanse, exfoliation, steam, extractions, personalized facial massage, specialty mask and an application of skin-specific serums, moisturizers, eye cream and SPF.

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$95 - 60 Minutes

$95 - 45 Minutes – Back Treatment

$475 - Skin deep Facial Series (Buy 6, Get 1 Free)


Skin Deeper Facial


All the foundational steps from the Deep Facial plus a little more…

+ Choose 2 Facial Enhancements – You save $5


$120 - 75 Minutes


Skin Deepest Facial


All the foundational steps from the Deep and Deeper Facials plus even more…

+ Choose 3 Facial Enhancements – You save $10


$130 - 90 Minutes


Facial Enhancements

Eye Treatment $15

Collagen Lip Treatment $15

Collagen Eye Mask $15

Décolleté/Neck Treatment  $15


We’re dedicated to helping the true you shine through. For our Advanced Facial Treatments, we dig into our arsenal of anti-aging tools to provide result-oriented treatments for the most critical skin concerns - including deep wrinkles, hyper-pigmentation, skin texture, pore size and acne. All treatments come complete with personalized advice on your homecare routine.


chemical peels

A quick and effective way to rid the skin of old, damaged skin. Our chemical peels improve fine lines, wrinkles, texture, tone, pore size, blemishes, oil production and product penetration. We’ll advise you on the correct depth peel for your skin type and desired results. Prior to any chemical treatment, clients must receive either a facial or consultation with patch test.

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Skin Deep Peels

Skin Deep uses PCA Skin, a clinical line of chemical peels designed for professional use. These chemical peel solutions exfoliate dead skin cells and help healthy skin cells rise to the surface. Our chemical peels allow deeper layers of fresh and untouched skin to be revealed. The result of monthly treatments can even skin tone, clear acne, improve the appearance of aging skin and make dull complexions glow.

$150 - 45 MINUTES

$399 - SerieS of 3, includes Post Care Products



An effective alternative to chemical peels, Microdermabrasion exfoliates the outer layer of skin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, smooth texture, eliminate clogged pores, reduce minor acne scarring and even out discoloration. Using the DiamondTome™ Skin Resurfacing System, this treatment includes a consultation, skin analysis, deep cleanse, exfoliation, extractions (if required), specialty mask and an application of skin-specific serums, moisturizers, eye cream and SPF.

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$130 - 60 Minutes

$330 - Series of 3 (Save $60)



An alternative to chemical peels and microdermabrasion, Dermaplaning is a safe and effective procedure that uses a surgical blade to exfoliate the epidermis and rid the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). Ideal for those with sensitive skin, discoloration, fine lines, enlarged pores and fine facial hair. Includes a consultation, skin analysis, deep cleanse, exfoliation, extractions (if required), specialty mask and an application of skin-specific serums, moisturizers, eye cream and SPF.

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$130 - 60 Minutes

$330 - Series of 3 (Save $60)

$650 - Series of 6 (Save $70)



Our Nano Facial is an award-winning facial treatment that can refresh, restore, and renew your skin. Using Nanotechnology to temporarily create micro-channels in the skin’s surface, products and nutrients penetrate to the dermal layer where collagen stimulation happens. This result-oriented skin treatment increases hydration by plumping the cells, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, improves tone and texture, and tightens the skin.

$130 - 90 min

$330 - Series of 3 (Save $60)


Our teen skincare program is specifically designed for teens between the ages of 12 and 19.  


Teen Facial – Intro to Skincare

This facial is an introduction to proper skincare. Includes a consultation, skin analysis, deep cleanse, exfoliation, steam, specialty mask and an application of skin-specific serums and SPF. Includes recommendations and education for personalized home care routine.


$60 - 30 minutes


Teen Acne Facial

Perfect for teens suffering from sporadic breakouts to active acne, this deep cleansing facial reduces breakouts and balances oil production. Includes a cleanse, deep exfoliation, extractions, and application of a balancing mask and skin-specific serums and SPF. Includes recommendations and education for personalized home care routine.


$75 - 45 minutes

$400 For 6

You are unique. Your skin is unique. Our priority is your individual needs.
— Mariquita
